
2011- present [Please email Dr. Van der Feest if you need access to a paper.]

Van der Feest, S.V.H., Rose, M.C., & Johnson, E.K. (2022). ‘Showing Strength through Flexibility: Multi-Accent Toddlers Recognize Words Quickly and Efficiently.’ Brain and Language. ​

Maryutina, E., Van der Feest, S.V.H., & Shafer, V.S. (2022). ‘Production of Russian /I/ and /y/ by Russian-English Bilingual Children: effects of Language Experience.’ Proceedings of the 46th Boston University​ Conference on Language Development. 

Van der Feest, S.V.H., Yi, H. & Davis, B.L. (2021) ‘From Babbling to First Words: Phonological or Lexical Selection?’ Proceedings of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA.

Van der Feest, S.V.H., Blanco, C.P., & R. (2019) ‘Influence of Speaking Style Adaptations and Semantic Context on Time Course of Word Recognition in Quiet and Noise’. Journal of Phonetics, 73, 158-177

Swingley, D. & Van der Feest, S.V.H. (2019) A Cross-Linguistic Examination of Toddlers’ Interpretation of Vowel Duration. Infancy, 1-18

Davis, B.L., Van der Feest, S.V.H, & Yi, H. (2018). Speech sound characteristics of early words: influence of phonological factors across vocabulary development. Journal of Child Language, 45(3), 673-702.

Van der Feest, S.V.H. & Johnson, E.K. (2016). Input-Driven Differences in Toddler’s Perception of a Disappearing Phonological Contrast. Language Acquisition, 23(2), 89-111  (Awarded best paper of the year 2016 in ‘Language Acquisition’).

Van der Feest, S.V.H., Fikkert, P. & Davis, B.L. (2016). Cross-Linguistic Differences in the Perception of Dorsal and Coronal CV-Combinations: Evidence from English and Dutch. In: Proceedings of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development.Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA. Volume 2, 417-428 

Davis, B.L., Van der Feest, S.V.H. & Yi. H. (2016). Phonological versus Lexical factors in Children’s Productions at the Onset of Word Us. In: Proceedings Supplement of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development

Van der Feest, S.V.H. & Fikkert, P. (2015). ‘Building Phonological Lexical Representations.’ Phonology, 32(2), 207-239.

Altvater-Mackensen, N., Van der Feest, S.V.H. & Fikkert, P. (2014). ‘Asymmetries in Early Word Recognition: The Case of Stops and Fricatives.’ Language Learning and Development, 10(2), 149-178.DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2013.808954

Van der Feest, S.V.H. & Swingley, D. (2011). ‘Dutch and English listeners’ perception of vowel duration.’ Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129, EL57-63.